Amazing Photos Capture Everyday Life of South of Market in the Early 1980s _ OldTimeUS

South of Market (SoMa) is a neighborhood in San Francisco, California, situated just south of Market Street. It contains several sub-neighborhoods including South Beach, Yerba Buena, and Rincon Hill.

SoMa is home to many of the city’s museums, to the headquarters of several major software and Internet companies, and to the Moscone Conference Center.
American photographer and educator Janet Delaney took these amazing photos to document everyday life of South of Market in the early 1980s.
Chinese jumprope in front of Bessie Carmichael School, Folsom Street, 1980


Hamburger Mary's, 1582 Folsom at 12th Street, 1980


Across from the Moscone Center, 3rd at Tehama Street, 1980


Ambush Bar, 1351 Harrison, 1980


Bay Casket Company, 1020 Folsom Street, 1980


Bulk Natural Foods, Russ at Howard Street, 1980


Eviction, 158-160 Langton Street, 1980


First office building in redevelopment zone, Lapu-Lapu St, 1980


Folsom at 8th Street, 1980


Giannini in his barbershop, established 1936, 484 6th Street, 1980


Harry Smith, Bay Casket Company, 1020 Folsom Street, 1980


Helen and her husband, Chester, at the Helen Cafe, 486 6th Street, 1980


Langton Street residents Lalett and Vanessa Fernandez with their son, 1980


Man with wheelbarrow, Moscone Center, 1980


Mercantile Building, Mission and 3rd Streets, 1980


Moscone Center under construction, 1980


Painting Mural, Langton Street, 1980


Pat serving coffee at the Gordon Cafe, 7th at Mission Street, 1980


Policeman writing a ticket, Howard near 6th Street, 1980


Project One Artists Studios, 10th at Howard Street, 1980


San Francisco Tennis Club Bar, 645 Sth Street, 1980


School Demolition, 4th at Howard Street, 1980


Shantiben Dahyabhai Patel, Park Hotel, 1040 Folsom Street, 1980


Skip Wheeler and his wife groom their horses after Veteran's Day Parade, Folsom at 2nd Street, 1980


Langton Park, Langton and Howard Streets, 1981


Lathe and Tool Works, 37 Clementina Street, 1981


Longtime neighbors, Langton at Folsom Street, 1981


Marie on Skates, Langton Street, 1981


Russ Street Apartments, 1981


San Bruno Statuary, 563 6th Street, 1981


San Francisco Ballet performing on opening days for the Moscone Center, 1981


Saturday afternoon, Howard between 3rd and 4th Streets, 1981


Walt's Diner, 7th at King Street, 1981


10th at Folsom Street, 1982


Bobbie Washington and her daughter Ayana, 28 Langton Street, 1982


Carnary Island Diner, 1207 Harrison Street, 1982


Charging battery, Moss Street, 1982


Connie Hatch at the Canary Island Diner, 1207 Harrison Street, 1982


Flag Makers, Natoma at 3rd Street, 1982


Greyhound Bus Depot, 7th St. between Mission and Market Streets, 1982


Jean Decottignies, Jean's Auto Body Specialists, 1264 Folsom Street, 1982


Labyris Auto Repair, "Complete Car Care By Women", 240 6th Street, 1982


Ted Zouzounis and his son, David, at Ted's Market, 1530 Howard Street,1982


Transbay Terminal Newsstand, 1982


(Photo © Janet Delaney)