43 Emotional Pictures That Capture Everyday Life of Children During World War II _ OldTimeUS

Children were massively affected by World War II. Nearly two million children were evacuated from their homes at the start of World War II. They had to endure rationing, gas mask lessons, living with strangers etc.

Sadly, children accounted for one in ten of the deaths during the Blitz of London from 1940 to 1941.
Here is an emotional photo collection that shows everyday life of children during World War II.

Safe at least


So long soldier, and good luck


Sugar baby - a refugee


Theater of rest


Travels in style


With the greatest of care


Yank aids flying bomb victim


Young Frenchman finds a friend


Youthful refugees


A child of war


A lucky Kharkov civilian


Air conditioning - Chinese style


Aussie wives head for U.S.


Boy poses for photographing


Bringing home American 'bacon'


But it’s still home


Children evacuated from London


China feeds American warbirds


Chinese orphans


Chinese boy helps build airfield


Danger! Unexploded Bomb


Famine in India



Father and son fight together


Fearful eyes of the innocent


First aid


First milk for Guam child


For Jews only


French children frolic near invasion craft


Going bye-bye


Head for Bastille Day Festivities


Heading for a new homeland


'Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned'



Hitch-hiking in the Iceland manner


Japan attacks on Philippines


Latest Italian drive


London children mobilized for evacuation


Malta’s children can still smile


Mascot of the Yanks


Merry Christmas from the yanks


Milk for children of Oran


Mother's little helper


New deep shelter against 'Buzz-bombs'


Orphans of war


Refugee, English style


Safe at last!